Hullooo Autumn
Hullooo Autumn, I’ve missed you. Facebook just reminded me that this time last year I was on the banks of the River Clyde at Gran’s Hoose working with my absolute favourite […]

Different Strokes
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently. So what’s new? I hear you ask. Well. These thoughts are not yet fully formed. Here goes. At birth, we are assigned, […]

Well now. The last time I wrote a blog was October 2021. Nothing like keeping it current, eh? I’m not even sure blogging is still a thing. How and ever. Here goes… Being single […]

… update …
Well, hullooooo there. It’s been an exciting few days again, right enough. ‘Yes It Is’ entered the iTunes Alternative Chart at #44 which made my week and ‘Song to the Siren’also made an appearance at #166. One […]

Food and Music
What more could you possibly want? I’ve been busy of late. I’ve been interviewing some really interesting people for the Album of the Week spot on Celtic Music Radio, do tune in on a Saturday […]

The madness continues…
I entered the official UK Charts at #177 on Friday! I’ve recorded a Top 200 hit! I know. I can’t believe it either. Angus (the producer) please take a bow. I have […]

Good morning! Hope this finds you hale and hearty and enjoying the summer. It’s an exciting week for me, I’ve a new release coming out on Friday to mark the […]

La vita é bella!
[… a short ‘essai‘ at explaining the mind/das Gehirn/l’esprit/de Geest/den Sjel/der Geist…] The Levellers sang about Zeitgeist… I want to write about Geist. Many of the great Creatives (writers, artists, […]

a blog before breakfast
It’s been so long since I wrote anything at all that I thought I’d try to smash out a quick blog before breakfast (regardless of its quality). I’m coming to […]
Time is such an odd construct. Do you think Vikings wore wristwatches? Dusk and dawn. Sunset and sunrise. These are real. They happen every day. Time is not real. It’s […]
Eat less, Move more Pin this to the kitchen door. Sleep well, Learn to breathe See the wood for all those trees? Make time, Read a book How will you […]
Becoming a mum at 40 is no laughing matter. I got up this morning feeling and looking like a sack of last year’s potatoes, (the ones that have been out […]
OK. So, it’s not cool to like Valentine’s Day. Truth be told, I freaking LOVE V Day! It’s the one day a year it’s OK to spread peace, hope and […]
Technicolour Dreamboat
So, this whole Phillip Schofield thing has got me thinking… Is it really necessary to ‘come out’ so publicly, in this day and age? Does a celebrity have to debase […]
A decent pair of climbing boots… We strode out from Mamore Lodge Two abreast Father and daughter She setting a measured, leisurely pace Breathing carefully. He keeping time Nursing a […]
Gritter Thunberg
So. I’ve been thinking… All this hysteria over climate change and global warming… Is Greta Thunberg actually just a decoy? Is she being paid by the Government? Is she yet […]
Recovery Song
Day 18 I’ve been at a beautiful health retreat in deepest Devon for the last 18 days. Four hours of exercise every day (and that’s just before breakfast). Calorie controlled […]
World Poetry Day 2019
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver The sun is out, it’s suitably mild, the daffs are nodding in the breeze… […]
It’s Spring!
Hullooooooooooooooooo! It’s me! I’m out of hibernation and raring to go. I even have a gig lined up but you can only come if you take all your clothes off. […]
e = 0
It occurs to me, the more I read and learn, that the crux of life, the answer I have been searching for all along is that everything is nothing. EVERYTHING […]
The fairy dust has settled…
Hullo! I’m so excited to have a REAL website back up; I haven’t used WordPress since the good old Midden days and it feels great to have a proper platform […]
You found me! Welcome to the site. This page will feature regular updates with new videos by Dòl Eoin, poetry commentary and more. There will be plenty to see and […]