OK. So, it’s not cool to like Valentine’s Day.
Truth be told, I freaking LOVE V Day!
It’s the one day a year it’s OK to spread peace, hope and joy. I’m sorry if you don’t have a ‘significant other’ to share the day with, but you have a cat, don’t you?
You have a mum! Somebody loves you.
Somebody loves you.
Maslow has it down, we need a purpose, we need wifi and we need love.

If we don’t have at least a few of these basics, life can become pretty unbearable and that is coming from a privileged, white, middle-class female who lives in the first world…
I could go on and on at considerable length about the virtues of love and having it and spreading it and needing it and sharing it, but it’s almost 3am and I should be asleep.
So here it is:
Tell someone you love them TODAY.
It’s important.
The more love there is, the less room there is for hate. That is all.
Happy Valentine’s Day x